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Example of Filled Form TR-205

To provide an example of a filled TR-205 form, I'll outline the necessary steps and details based on the information from the sources provided. The TR-205 form is used for a trial by written declaration in California, allowing you to contest a traffic citation without appearing in court.


For a detailed guide on how to fill out the TR-205 form, watch this helpful video: How to Fill Out the TR-205 Form.


You can download an example of a filled TR-205 form here.

Example Courtesy Notice for TR-205

Page 1

  1. Court Information:

    • Name of Court: West Los Angeles
    • Street Address: 1633 Purdue Ave.
    • Mailing Address: (Leave blank if not applicable)
    • City and Zip Code: Los Angeles, CA 90025
    • Branch Name: West Los Angeles Courthouse
  2. Defendant Information:

    • Name: John Doe
    • Citation Number: AB123456
    • Case Number: (Leave blank if not known)
  3. Request for Trial by Written Declaration:

    • Bail Amount Required: $200
    • Bail Amount Already Deposited by Defendant: $200
    • Due Date: 06/01/2024
    • Date Mailed or Delivered by Clerk: 05/22/2024
  4. Evidence:

    • Photographs: 3
    • Diagram: 1
    • Medical Record: 1
    • Other (Specify): Witness Statement

Page 2

  1. Declaration of Facts:

    • Statement of Facts:
      On April 15, 2024, I was cited for speeding on the I-405 freeway. I believe this citation was issued in error. I was driving within the speed limit of 65 mph. Attached are photographs showing the speed limit signs, a diagram of the location, and a medical record indicating my good health and ability to drive safely. Additionally, a witness statement from my passenger, Jane Smith, confirms my speed at the time of the citation.
    • Number of Pages Attached: 5
  2. Signature:

    • Date: 05/20/2024
    • Signature: John Doe
    • Type or Print Name: John Doe

Additional Documents to Include

  • Written Not Guilty Plea: A separate document stating that you plead not guilty to the citation.
  • Attachments:
    • Photographs: Clearly labeled and referenced in the statement of facts.
    • Diagram: Showing the location and relevant details.
    • Medical Record: If applicable.
    • Witness Statement: Signed and including the declaration under penalty of perjury.

Mailing Instructions

  • Assemble the Defense Package:

    1. Check/Money Order for court-required bail.
    2. Trial By Written Declaration (TR-205 form).
    3. Defense Document (all pages).
  • Mailing:

    • Send all documents via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the courthouse mailing address on your ticket.

Example of a Written Not Guilty Plea

To Whom It May Concern,

I, John Doe, plead not guilty to the citation number AB123456 issued on April 15, 2024, for speeding on the I-405 freeway. I believe the citation was issued in error as I was driving within the speed limit. Please find attached my Trial by Written Declaration form (TR-205) and supporting evidence.

John Doe

This example should help you understand how to fill out the TR-205 form and prepare your defense package for submission. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and submit your documents on time.

[Contesting Your Ticket?]

You can contest your traffic ticket without appearing in court by using the TR-205 form. Fill out the form accurately and include all necessary evidence. For an easy and convenient way to fill out the TR-205 form, visit TR-205 InstaFill.